LinkedIn Profile
Having a standout and optimised personal brand will differentiate you from your competitors and lead to success for your future.

“LinkedIn is no longer an online resume.
It is your digital reputation”
Did you know
LinkedIn is the largest business-orientated networking website geared specifically towards professionals. It has over 500 million members, in over 200 countries.
Top 3 reasons to be on LinkedIn
Ability to make connections and build a network with influential people.
Search job listings advertised by your ideal companies.
Create an international online presence that gives you access to global opportunities and insights.
Having an online presence will
Tell your story.
Help you reach your goals, both personally and professionally.
Lead to many opportunities for advancement in your career.
I've heard enough ...
Please upgrade my resume package
Want more details? No problem, here they are...
Why it's important to have a
LinkedIn profile ...
A professionally written LinkedIn profile can help open doors to opportunities and networks that you may not have been aware of without the help of social media.
It also gives you the ability to showcase your profile, expertise, recommendations and connections.
It is the first professional impression of you when recruiters and employers search for potential candidates.
It gives you an opportunity to highlight your quantifiable achievements and uniqueness .
Gain exposure to Hiring Managers and Recruiters, as well as social proof of your skills and talents.
A great tool that you can use to help get ahead when searching for a new job.
The benefits of LinkedIn are almost endless and best of all it is FREE!
Here's what you will receive …
An optimised and engaging profile to tell your story and get you noticed.
Key words and content that grab the attention of your audience and builds trust for your brand.
A customised URL.
A cover photo that reflects you and your industry.
Assistance with choosing the right profile photo.
A professional headline that is keyword rich.
Highlights and keywords in a summary that show off your success.
Strong accomplishment-driven descriptions throughout your profile.
Understanding your privacy settings.
How to cultivate recommendations and endorsements.
How to use LinkedIn to your advantage and achieve the best results organically.
“If you don’t tell your audience your story, they’ll
define one for you”
Uplevelling your LinkedIn profile will allow you to ...
Take advantage of LinkedIn’s job search engine to help you find your “dream role”.
Learn how to leverage your network and take advantage of your online presence.
Enable your peers and managers to endorse your skills and write up recommendations (Employers will take these recommendations into consideration).
Access to a useful networking tool that will build trust for your brand.
Join professional groups that include like-minded people enabling you to network within your respective niche.
The ability to know who has viewed your profile, which opens the door when it comes to making important connections.
And … if you want to work for a particular company, you can use LinkedIn to learn more about them and connect with people who already work there (as the saying goes, the best way to get noticed by a company is to come in via a referral).